This has been the week of medical issues. First there was my fun tumble down the stairs (I'm able to walk without the air cast now btw). Then Tuesday Ducky spiked a random fever. I'm not sure how familiar everyone is with febrile seizures but they're definitely the boogie man in my house. It's pretty much a seizure brought on by fever. I started having them as a teen which is atypical but my father had issues with fevers as well. Ducky has started going from being fever free to suddenly over 102 within minutes, which is when I normally have seizures.
So at 2am when I wake up to a burning baby my first thought is........where's the stupid thermometer? (Then when I eventually find it I have to get my eyes to work right to read the tiny nonbacklit screen.) Every time I see its over 102f I have the clutch of fear that this is the time she has a seizure. At least now that she's older I'm not having to take her to the ER every time it gets over 101. (If you've never had to hold a baby under 3 months down so they can draw cultures or swabs you're luck). Luckily after a day of snuggling and drinking a ton of fluid and eating an entire can of homestyle chicken noodle soup (something I can't even accomplish) her fever finally broke.
I think things are going to settle back down (I don't know why considering they never do) when all of a sudden my husband starts coughing nonstop. When we drop our little bundle of terror off with Nana she's coughing too (I swear at one point their coughs matched up perfectly like a duet of misery). She tells us that she had been in the emergency room all night and has bronchitis. I'm hearing her cough come out of my husband and realize crap so does he. After several hours of arguing he finally agrees to go to the ER himself after I get off work where he gets diagnosed with bronchitic as well.
The entire time I'm waiting for him to go and get checked out the only thought in my head is PLEASE DON"T BE VIRAL! I'm having flashbacks of when Ducky had a really bad upper respiratory infection and I had to take her in for chest x-rays and breathing treatments. Our hospitals ER has this lovely device in order to take clear images (I think drugs were involved in getting the baby above to not be screaming and biting and everything else in order to get out like Ducky did) of infant's lungs.
Luckily according to the doctors its just weird coincidence that they both got it at the same time so I can stop having nightmares of this spreading through all the babies.
After getting a bunch of antibiotics and steroids (any one else ever benefit from the prednisone cleaning binges, my house is spotless!) into him my husband is breathing normally again. Ducky so far is fever free. My feet are still lovely shades of purple and red but able to work as feet now. We will see how long it lasts this time. And down below is a link about febrile seizures in case anyone wants more information.
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