This week we have been plagued with what I have named the dreaded Mommy hold me disease. It started with a low grade fever and being super fussy. The fever has since broken but the fussyness has remained. As I type this one handed as she sleeps on my lap I wonder when it will abate. Ducky is for the most part a very happy baby other than the hour before bathtime/bedtime when she is an absolute demon. She will of course throw a fit every once in while when I take something off of her or yell at her but she normally forgets and moves on shortly. This week I realized exactly how lucky I have been.
Perfect example of how she is acting differently was lunch the other day, I took the food out of the oven and off the cookie sheet, put it on a plate. Now normally when I tell her something is too hot she will look at me seriously and say hot while fanning her mouth then wander off to play until I tell her its ok to eat. That day she screamed, not cried, screamed for 7 minutes straight, and yes I timed it. It wasn't like she was hungry either she had just eaten her lunch, this was my lunch. I tried everything to get her to calm down but nothing worked until I decided it was cool enough and she had a minuscule bite then wandered off. That's the most extreme she's been with me for the most part its just whiny and wanting mommy to hold her.
I don't mean just snuggle on the couch and read a book/watch a movie hold me. She wants me to hold her while we build with blocks, while we color, pretty much if she can find a way for me to hold her she wants it. I really wish I had a photo of me trying to crochet while she was sitting on my lap. I'm hoping this is just a growth spurt but it's been so long since she had one I kinda forget what they're like! She does want to eat nonstop which I remember from before but she's not tired all the time like she was in previous growth spurts.
People always say about not coddling your child and fostering dependence. I don't want a child that is permanently attached to me and can't function on her own. At the same time I can't stand the thought that she is in pain and I'm telling her "no I won't comfort you, sorry go play". I figure she can have a couple more days of being spoiled and if she is still acting fussy we might go to the doctors to make sure nothings wrong then move on from there. I'm still just praying I don't mess her up too bad!
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